Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hectic Week, and the End of Water-Only

It's been a quiet week on this blog, but it's actually been  a pretty wild week in the house.  Erica's car needs replaced well, now, as it turns out, so it's been a week of shopping for loans and looking up car values and getting our ears bent with both solicited and unsolicited advice--it makes both of us just want to retreat.  If ever there was a week where disappearing into the TV would be a welcome distraction, this was the one.

But we stuck to our guns, and hopefully by Saturday afternoon, we'll have a new (to us) car.  I'm happy with all we've gotten accomplished this week.  Even in the midst of all the car craziness, we managed to get wedding stuff done as well!  The honeymoon is pretty much totally booked, and invitations are on the way to us.  I've gotten some reading done, but no writing so far.  Next week, maybe. And tomorrow night, we'll be having a much-needed night out with friends, seeing Beauty and the Beast in 3D.

Tomorrow is also a big day because it's the last official day of my 60-day water-only challenge.  Yes, I've been keeping up with it, aside from some wine on Christmas Eve, and a glass of punch on NYE, I think I've officially trained myself to like drinking water, something I thought would never happen.  I wouldn't have liked it so much if I hadn't seen such wild results from it, but I've lost two dress sizes since the very beginning of this journey.  It was never about losing weight, but I had a feeling that would fall into place if I could keep this commitment. (I actually asked Erica to stop the water-only thing last week, because she's lost too much weight. I envy the girl that gets to go on a chocolate milk twice-a-day regimen!)

To celebrate ending the challenge, I'm planning to hit up Sheetz on our way to the dealerships Saturday morning for a decaf mocha, but I plan on sticking mostly to water from here on out.  And I definitely don't care to go back to being a caffeine addict; I'm not going back to soda, and coffee will be decaf, and a once-in-a-while thing.  I love not buying juice at the store, we're saving so much money in our grocery (and alcohol) budget.  We got wine for Christmas, and we actually got to use our wine rack for a month! It's funny, I have to be so extreme to get myself to do the simplest things, but now I can't imagine going back!

I won't lie, I am looking forward to sitting back with a nice glass of wine Saturday night, looking out at our new car in the driveway.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!!


  1. Did you find a car yet? I'm good friends with the guy who owns "On the Circuit" Cars and Trucks.

    Congrats on your water purge. I've done similar things before and I know they aren't much fun at first.

    Finally, I've started updating my old blog again--I think you were part of the inspiration. Be sure and tell Erica, as she used to visit me there a lot.

  2. Ben! Thanks for stopping in! I'm adding your blog to my dash (is that what they call it here? I'm still not great friends with Google) and I'll let Erica know about it as well. Hope everything is well with you and your beautiful family <3

  3. I've been a closet follower for quite some time now. If I never posted before it was only because I didn't have anything to offer. Been a reader for a while though, and read all the way back to the beginning. Good stuff!
